“Cultus Unknown is a fashion show produced by A Conspiracy of Strange Girls in partnership with Fashion Week MN.
This show will shift from a traditional runway model and instead focus on installation pieces and custom couture garments around the themes of the unknown, the uncanny, the subconscious, and fear. The event will feature separate distinct spaces for guests to weave about and will work as a gallery of installations coming together under a common theme, as a haunted house of high fashion.
Featuring designs by Black Spoke Leather Co., Haus of Elle, Otherrealm, Sica Dawn, Monica Helland, and Bohica Costume Design”
Friday September 28th, 8pm-11pm.
Will be making 4”x5” portraits for $60+tax.
This is a ticketed event, which you can purchase here.
*Please note, I will not be setup to make portraits of more than two people at a time, and I would not recommend attempting to have a portrait made of small children. Please book a session if you are interested in either of those things.
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Earlier Event: September 20
Junk Bonanza Vintage Market
Later Event: November 10
Minneapolis Vintage Market