Please come visit me for my first pop-up in Santa Fe, NM!
By appointment only, January 18th 12-6pm.
Each Appointment is 30 minutes and includes one tintype (size of your choice). We will either have time for a reshoot if the first image is not satisfactory, or an extra tintype if you’d like to add a portrait. If you know for sure you would like to have more than one portrait made please book back-to-back sessions. I Though it’s possible, depending on difficulty of subject matter (for example, kids or animals, more than two faces) we may not have time for more than one portrait in a 30 minute session.
Max 3 faces (including animals) in each portrait.
Booking links:
4”x5” Tintype Session $120
5”x7” Tintype Session $150
8”x10” Tintype Session $240